Pattadakal - The Virupaksha Temple

posted by Tamilnambi on , , , ,


Nandi Mandapa

An ordinary couple's sculpture on the left pillar of main entrance to welcome the poor people inside the temple

A rich couple's sculpture on the right side pillar of the main entrance to welcome the rich people inside the temple

Padma nidhi - One of the gatekeeper of Kubera, the god of wealth

Sanga nidhi - another gate keeper of Kubera, the god of wealth

The sun god on the roof - On his both sides, his two wives who represent sun rise and sun set are pushing away day and night with bows - beneath them is the sun god's chariot with seven horses representing seven days of the week

Lord Shiva, Parvati and Ganesha in Kailash

The Pancha Pandavas - from left: Bhima (has mace in hands), Yudhistra (sits on an unique throne), Nakula Sakadeva (identical thrones for both) and Arjuna (has bow and sits on radha)

One of the Mahabarata pillars - Middle: Bhishmar on arrow bed - Lower: Bhima and Duriyodhana's mace fight and Duriyodhana hiding in a pond after defeat

Back view Ravana lifting Kailasa and shaking the hill - Since he has 10 heads it looks like a front view 

Another side view


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